The collaborative sciences project (CSP) gives Diploma Programme (DP) students, who have taken Group 4 subjects,. namely the natural sciences and Computer Science, the opportunity to work together in an interdisciplinary team. They work towards a common goal related to a real-world issue, pursued through the lens of the scientific method.The CSP was designed to include elements of Creativity,Activity and Service making it a part of the CAS activity. By integrating CAS with CSP students can achieve a more holistic learning experience,combining scientific enquiry with creative and service oriented activities.

This year, students of DP1 chose the overarching theme of sugars.and connected with the CAS program of creating awareness for Diabetes. Students worked on the project for 10 hours and this included theme development, adopting various scientific methods and finally culminating in the group presentation. The Project serves as a platform for developing research, problem solving and analytical thinking skills.During the presentation students had an active interactive and engaging session with the parent community.